Welcome to Investing Daily Dose

The modern stock market is a really noisy place …  

By “stock market,” we’re not talking about the old-style trading desks or trading floors you can nostalgically visit via flicks like Wall Street or Boiler Room … you know, places where capitalist action, opportunistic adrenaline and rapacious emotion created pounding assaults on your eardrums.  

We’re talking about THE MARKET – which, thanks to modern technology, exists wherever big-money traders and regular investors like you happen to be at that moment in time.  

And by NOISE, we’re talking about such things like breaking news … or headlines today that will be contradicted tomorrow … or competing views from “experts” (who may or may not know what they’re talking about) … streams of numbers on jobs, the economy or stock prices – which can be negated by contrasting numbers the next day, or even the next hour.  

Yes, the stock market is definitely a noisy place.  

A noisy … and CONFUSING place.  

For retail investors – regular folks who want to build their savings and cement their future security – that noise and confusion also makes the modern stock market super RISKY.  

But it doesn’t have to be.  

In fact, if you understand and master a few simple secrets, the noise and confusion that kills wealth for other investors can serve as a major EDGE that transforms you into the rarest of all investors – the “Wealth Builder.”  

And that’s what Investing Daily Dose (IDD) is here to do for you.   

Heading up the team is William Patalon III – Bill to his friends and readers.  

Before he moved into the investment research business in December 2005, Bill spent 22 years as a business journalist.  

He was nationally known … and recognized … for this work. And he built his expertise … and his following … covering such “beats” as biotech, defense, the economy, new tech trends, manufacturing and big-money investing.  

His most memorable interviews included: Amazon founder Jeff Bezos, former President Richard M. Nixon, General Electric CEO John F. “Jack” Welch and Forbes magazine publisher and former Presidential candidate Steve Forbes.  

Bill is the co-author of the Prentice Hall book Contrarian Investing, with a foreword by legendary investor Jim Rogers, and collaborated on other books about investing strategies, trend investing and silver. He was featured as a topic-matter expert in the Bloomberg Originals video series installment The Rise and Fall … and Rise of Kodak. And he spent more than a decade as the editor and chief stock picker of Private Briefing, a paid daily newsletter with an ardent fan base.  

All those experiences combined to help Bill create a simple approach to investing: Find the best storylines and you’ll find the best stocks.  

That’s a key piece of what we’re bringing you here at IDD.   

When Do You Publish IDD?  

Monday through Friday, except when the market is closed. 

How do I make sure I never miss an issue?   

To make sure you always know when IDD is hot off the “digital presses,” you can download the Substack app.  

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What does “curated by Stock Picker’s Corner” mean?   

IDD provides “doses” of information that are carefully organized and presented by the Stock Picker’s Corner team.   

Instead of just rehashing the news, each dose will provide you with:   

  1. What’s Happening.   

  1. Why It Matters.   

  1. The Investing Takeaway.   

At Stock Picker’s Corner, Bill Patalon, Chief Stock Picker, provides detailed coverage on the topics you see in IDD.

How do your email referrals work?   

We believe that if you find content that’s insightful and valuable, you’ll want to share it with family, friends and colleagues.   

By sharing, you help them. And you help us.

So we want to demonstrate our gratitude by helping you.

When you help spread the word about IDD, we have three levels of “rewards” for each person you refer who subscribes to this publication.  

Substack has automated this process, so it will track who you shared IDD with and who also becomes a free subscriber. Substack’s system will automatically send out what they label as a “reward” —based on the number of new subscribers you’ve referred and brought our way.

Those “rewards” include:   

Level 1: Refer one person who subscribes and you’ll receive the guide “10 Off-the-Beaten-Path Resources for Winning Investing.”   

Level 2: Refer two people who subscribe and you’ll receive the guide “The AI Pick-and-Shovel Play Nobody’s Watching  

Level 3: Refer three people who subscribe and you’ll receive the guide “Three Wealth-Killing Mistakes (with Three Wealth-Building Strategies to Follow Instead.”)

Can you review my portfolio or help me with an investment question?   

The team members and affiliates are not investment advisors or financial planners and cannot provide personalized investing advice.

If I haven’t invested before, can you recommend a brokerage to use?   

While we can’t recommend a specific brokerage, there are plenty of resources that outline the different features of different brokerage services … so you can research and find the right one for you. NerdWallet reviews brokerages here, Forbes reviews them here and Bankrate reviews them here.

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Disclaimer: The information published in Investing Daily Dose isn’t personalized financial advice or a specific investment recommendation and should not be interpreted as such. The content produced is intended for informational purposes only. The writers and team members of Investing Daily Dose are not investment advisors or financial planners, and you should consult your own professional before making any investment decisions. There is inherent risk involved with investing and financial decisions, and any investment decisions you make are solely your own decisions. Market outlooks, estimates, or projections should not be construed as actual events that may occur. While stats and figures are believed to be as accurate as possible from public information available at the time of publishing, the writers and team members of this publication do not make any warranties regarding the information’s accuracy. Neither the writers, team members, or affiliates accept any liability for any direct or indirect losses from the information contained herein. Team members, contractors, and guest contributors may own assets and stocks mentioned in Investing Daily Dose. By using this site or associated social media accounts, you are indicating your consent to our terms of use, and this disclaimer. All content published by Investing Daily Dose is copyrighted. Any unauthorized reproduction of any content published from Investing Daily Dose is strictly prohibited.

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Find the best storylines and you’ll find the best stocks. That’s the key piece we’re bringing you here at Investing Daily Dose.